"Title: Gouldians Feeding North of the Range"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas, Size 25 x 30 cm, Unframed price: $520
The proceeds of this painting will go towards the organisation ... . . to fund research into the numbers of finches and the condition of their habitat in North Queensland. . . . .
The proceeds of this painting will go towards the organisation ... . . to fund research into the numbers of finches and the condition of their habitat in North Queensland. . . . .
Title: "Gouldian Finches Feeding on Brachyachne convergens"
Medium: Acrylic on paper, Size: 17 x 21 cm, Unframed Price: SOLD
The painting of these Gouldian Finches depict a male (left) and female (right) in their magnificent breeding colours while they eat the seed of the grass Brachyachne convergens on a station in North Queensland. Native grasses are declining in North Queensland due the invasion of exotic grasses such as Grader Grass (Themeda quadrivalvis). However, careful management of waterways, i.e. fencing out cattle from watercourses, control the spread of weeds and improves the quality of the waterways.
The painting of these Gouldian Finches depict a male (left) and female (right) in their magnificent breeding colours while they eat the seed of the grass Brachyachne convergens on a station in North Queensland. Native grasses are declining in North Queensland due the invasion of exotic grasses such as Grader Grass (Themeda quadrivalvis). However, careful management of waterways, i.e. fencing out cattle from watercourses, control the spread of weeds and improves the quality of the waterways.
Title: "Gouldian Finch Resting"
Medium: Acrylic on paper, Size: 15x10 cm, Framed price: SOLD
A male Gouldian Finch in full breeding colours. Note the bright red on the beak. The female, while also colourful, has subdued colours and is like a pastel version of the male.
A male Gouldian Finch in full breeding colours. Note the bright red on the beak. The female, while also colourful, has subdued colours and is like a pastel version of the male.
Title: "Female Gouldian Finch at Nest"
Medium: Acrylic on paper, Size: 10x5 cm, Framed price: $360 Available at the Lobster Ponds, Tasmania
Gouldian finches generally make their nest in the hollow of tree branches with fine grasses and feathers for lining. The female's colouring reflects the male Gouldian finch but is much paler. Thus, you will find red and black headed females.
Gouldian finches generally make their nest in the hollow of tree branches with fine grasses and feathers for lining. The female's colouring reflects the male Gouldian finch but is much paler. Thus, you will find red and black headed females.